Gideon Hayes

Gideon Hayes is the SLPD Chief Medical Examiner. He weighs around 320 pounds and is 6’6″. His hair is light brown and his eyes are grey.

Getting to know the Chief Medical Examiner in the series

On The Sly

Gideon has been called arrogant, but he’s earned the rights to that name. He really is good at what he does. Most people never see past that. Sylvia, however, does. She seems to know secrets about him that most people never suspect. Soon they’re good friends. But just friends; he’s in love with someone else.

Sly As A Fox

Gideon knows inside and out what PTSD feels like. When he sees Sylvia hollowed out and evasive, he knows exactly what’s going on. Advice is easy, but trying to keep tabs on his friend is like trying to herd cats.